Tuesday, March 30, 2010


This week is less cluttered with things to do than last week, so I am getting some painting done. Finished work for the Bloomin' Art show at The Artists Galery. Now I'm working on a piece for "Following Her Passion", an invitational women's show also at The Artists Gallery.
Attached are two paintings that are now at Beach Gallery on Laskin Road in an exhibit celebrating "The Art of Gardening" and the 77th Annual Historic Garden Week in VA. Work is on view until April 24.
Seems I am always struggling with the feeling of a lack of content in my work or that is how I perceive others would view my work. I am in love with painting, with form and color and with the ability to create something beautiful that will make a spiritual connection with the viewer. I like making paintings that have the sole purpose of making someone happy and thankful that they are a part of this awesome natural world in which we live.
If you haven't already, watch the show, LIFE, on the Discovery channel each Sunday evening at 9 p.m. It's just a little peak into the the mysteries and beauty of life on our planet earth.


  1. this is a wonderful post...your paintings are gorgeous!! and the information that you're sharing is excellent...I am so loving the Discovery series LIFE...that mention would be a good place to insert a link, as would Beach Gallery, as would Annual Historic Week, as would Artists Gallery...you get the idea :-)...links make a post come to life for your readers and allow search engines to find you more easily.

  2. Oh Kay, you paintings are so beautiful they almost look like photographs. You certainly have the gift for painting nature and making it shine more than in real life.


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